Tag Archives: vps hosting reviews

VPS hosting

28 Jan

The new era of VPS hosting has caught on to many looking to host their sites with lowest possible cost of investment and maintenance.  Setting up a VPS (Virtual Private Server) is basically using a single computer to represent multiple computers or servers.  Each VPS looks and acts like a physical computer on its own, with the exception of sharing the footprint and resources.

VPS hosting is probably the ideal solution to those who don’t want to rely on a shared server and can’t afford a dedicated server.  There is no sacrifice in terms of performance as each VPS has its own operating system and can be managed solely on its own. Rebooting or messing up a VPS doesn’t affect other VPS in the physical box.  Security is not forfeited as each VPS has its own users and corresponding passwords.  These user profiles are managed within each VPS and not shared or managed at any central server to avoid a security breach.  There is flexibility when performing work on a VPS as it doesn’t affect its neighbor VPS.  With the exception of cutting power to the server, each VPS runs independently of each other and doesn’t give thought or concern to one another’s behavior or platform.

Perhaps the most obvious downside to this method of hosting is that its physical resources still need to be shared among the Virtual Private Servers residing within.  As such, it’s important to plan and monitor the server’s performance to ensure no severe drop in case of an overactive VPS.  However, all VPS will have a certain amount of resources allotted to it and hence cannot eat into another’s space, so to speak.  It’s also important to understand that 100% of physical resources are never equally divided among all VPS within the server.  That is to say, 4 VPS in a box may get less than 25% of resources per VPS as some resources are required to manage these VPS.  This loss of resources is sometimes known as overhead.

On whether you should look into VPS hosting, you will need to access your needs.  If your site is currently in a shared server environment and not suffering any significant problems, it’s best to leave as is.  However, if you want to see improvement to above mentioned aspects, perhaps a serious consideration into this form of hosting is called for.

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